On Intelligence

On Intelligence

“Intelligence” means information which has been processed into knowledge. There is nothing mystical to it, though sometimes it is not easy to understand how it was acquired. The final outcome of the information-gathering can be delivered by many methods, that’s the secret. Various agencies might use different methods, though the quality may vary, since there are many hindrances to the truth. After all, intelligence is all about true knowledge.

Intelligence includes information on the size, capabilities, location, disposition, and plans of foreign security forces, as well as information about foreign countries, and small or large cooperate institutions and events in foreign countries, or security companies required to plan for and carry out security operations. A variety of intelligence organisations help to meet these intelligence needs.

Good intelligence comes from real and specific information. No matter how it was gathered, whether from the street or satellite imagery, the information must be informative and essential to meet the needs of those who are going to further process the information for security measures. The information is always on point and fresh up to the minute. The gathering and analysis processes make sure the latest strategic information is available. From start to finish in the intelligence cycle, the personnel maintain focus on getting the very best outcome.

The Intelligence Cycle is comprised on four fundamental steps: Direction, Collection, Analysis, and Dissemination.

  • Direction is the start of the intelligence cycle. This phase informs the rest of the process, and defines the information gap, and intelligence requirement. Intelligence requirements are determined by a decision maker to meet the objectives.
  • Collection involves the tasking of intelligence sources and agencies to collect required information to satisfy the intelligence requirement. In response to requirements, an intelligence staff develops an intelligence collection plan applying available sources and methods.
  • Once the collection plan is executed and the data arrives, it is processed for exploitation. Analysis (sometimes referred to as “processing”) involves the evaluation of the collected information to understand it.
  • Dissemination is the final phase of the intelligence cycle and is how the newly created intelligence is provided to the customer and those who need to know.

Intelligence operations are often the only way to acquire information that would not otherwise be available. The personnel gather information on undertakings that jeopardise security through intelligence operations. Open information sources are often insufficient for investigating needs for security. The personnel may apply other intelligence-gathering methods in such cases.

One of the most important functions of intelligence is the reduction of the ambiguity inherent in the observation of external activities. Every security-conscious organisation must consider the protection of the three things regarding intelligence gathering: their intelligence personnel, their intelligence facilities and resources and their intelligence operations.

Intelligence is conducted at two levels, strategic and tactical. Strategic intelligence is information that is needed to formulate policy and plans. Tactical intelligence is intended primarily to respond to the needs of operations. Essentially, strategic, and tactical intelligence differ only in scope, point of view, and level of employment. Whether strategic or tactical, the intelligence attempts to respond to or satisfy the needs of the security leadership. The process begins when we determine what information is needed to act responsibly. On the strategic level they are usually called the essential elements of information and are defined as those items of knowledge that are absolutely vital for timely and accurate decision making. On the tactical level, intelligence needs are defined in a similar manner those items of information concerning that which must be collected and processed in order to address any intelligence needs.

Whether tactical or strategic, intelligence attempts to respond to or satisfy the needs of the operational leadership, the person who must act or react to a given set of circumstances, and the process begins when the leadership determines what information is needed to act responsibly.

Strategic intelligence often comes in the form of threat briefings tailored to the organisation. After receiving a threat brief, we may decide to change the way we track towards the risk or request reprioritization of the current strategy to enhance security. Timely provision of accurate operational environment information gives an advantage to increase successful outcomes. These insights can often be shared with partners, enabling like-minded organisations to achieve collective, synchronized effects not otherwise possible.

Security intelligence is to provide threat projections that guide the security services in how best to organize, train, and equip their employers, and warn of potential crises. Finally, they support the employment of the security companies across a broad continuum of operations, from disaster relief, to peacekeeping, to combat operations. Being able to understand what is happening currently across the world is critical when identifying threats. It is not enough to solely be able to view log records when dealing with immediate threats. Security intelligence is able to evaluate potential present threats in the whole wide world.

Security intelligence helps both the employer and his employees to prevent crimes and also add a sense of heightened awareness which improve customer service that provide a quick response time, in order to handle security issues in an efficient manner, which again will create a safe business environment. So, to have someone on site who can handle security matters hence promotes a sense of order.

Good intelligence management begins with the proper determination of what needs to be known and precise requirements are set. All data will be collected systematically and collective data must be evaluated and transformed into a usable form and stored for future use.

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